Restu, F.Anita, S.Itnawita2013-07-082013-07-082013-07-08Rangga Dwijunanda Putra sago Rottb.) canbe used for food, housing and industrial raw materials. By products of the sago utilization of is solid wastes which have been already used simply as for livestock food and composting. Traditionally, sago waste composting needs about 3months to do it with varying quality. The aim of this study was to have a more practical composting process that uses EM-4 for mixing sago pulp waste, chicken manure and sawdust. The composition of the raw materials consist of sago waste, chicken manure and sawdust in the ratio(1:2:1) fermented with EM-4 at the time variation of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20days and controlled using well water at 0 and 20 days. The availability of nutrients Ca and Mg was analyzed using complexometry method. The availability of nutrients SO42- was analized using turbidimetry method and determination of Fe used a fenantrolin method with UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The results showed that the optimum levels for Ca, Mg, SO42-and Fe of composting experience differed for every composting. Fermentation with optimum levels of EM-4 Mg was obtained on day 10 which is 2.4045%. Optimum levels for Ca, SO42- and Fe are in the15th day with percentases 12.0636%, 0.1165% and 0.0020% respectively. The control increased on the day 20 for all parameters. The fermented compost using EM-4 has the optimum quality in10-15 days time span.otherSagowasteeffective microorganismcompostingmicro nutrientsANALISIS KUALITAS HARA MIKRO DARI PENGOMPOSAN LIMBAH AMPAS SAGU, KOTORAN AYAM DAN SERBUK GERGAJI HASIL FERMENTASI DENGAN EM-4Other