Elfira, EqlimaGirsang, Bina Melvia2021-11-012021-11-012020-11-04978-6025-309922wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10318To identify the muscle strength detection signal with progressive muscle relaxation based on Arduino Uno on the elderly. Method: An experimental method with one intervention group on 39 respondents over 45 years of age was used. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out using demographic data and observation sheets based on Arduino UNO connected to a smart phone. Result: The results showed that 21 male respondents (53.8%) and 18 female respondents (46.2%) received Arduino UNO-based progressive muscle relaxation training intervention with 30 treatments every day. This exercise was carried out routinely meanwhile, productive activities were given to 21 elderly respondents (53.8%) and unproductive activities to 18 respondents (46.2%). Conclusion: Detection of muscle strength with progressive muscle relaxation based on Arduino UNO is identifiable with a sensor value of 5.0/1023.0 volts.enDetectionMuscle StrengthProgressive Muscle RelaxationExercisesElderlyArduino UNODETECTION OF MUSCLE STRENGTH SIGNAL WITH PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION EXERCISE BASED ON ARDUINO UNO ON THE ELDERLY IN INDONESIAPresentation