Yulis, RaimaSalbiah, DesitaSutikno, Agus2013-01-262013-01-262013-01-26Arnalishttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1642Raima Yulis. Jur. 2012Termite attack on palm oil plantation is one of the major problem and difficult control, because termite live on the ground soil. Alternative control can be used using shrimp shell, is the name with chitosan. Research has been conducted at Plant Pest Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau from October until December 2011. The objective is to find the effect of some concentrations of shrimp shell to control termite. The research carried out by using completely randomize design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were shrimp shell concentrations powder without chitosan (control), 3 g/500ml CH3COOH, 5g/500ml CH3COOH and 7 g / 500ml CH3COOH. The results of this research show that the concentration of chitosan powder 3 g / 500ml CH3COOH is better a concentration, because at this concentration is able to kill termites Coptotermes curvignathus 84%, and the of concentration of chitosan powder 7 g / 500ml CH3COOH can cause total mortality of 100%.othershrimp shellchitosan powder,Coptotermes curvignathusPEMBERIAN BEBERAPA KONSENTRASI KITOSAN UNTUK MENGENDALIKAN HAMA RAYAP Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren (Isoptera : Rhinotermitidae)student Paper Post Degree