Febrianto, RianOsman, KamisahYuanita, PutriSuasty, Febni2015-01-202015-01-202015-01-20978-602-19877-1-1wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6623Professional teachers are required to have an expertise in teaching and learning in line with the demands of the rapidly changing times and uncertain. To support good teacing and learning process , is not only determined by an educator but also the methods and media used in teaching and learning. Biology is a lesson that has a lot of concepts and requires a good understanding. Rather than the document data analysis and _field o stdent learning outcomes and motivation is still not up to expectations. especiaa of course the motion and circulatory system that requires an understanding and analysis as well as high -level synthesis. This study aims to improve motivation and overcome misconceptions of students at SMAN 8 Pekanbaru with use of teaching Media portals based on problem based learning (PBL). From the research, it was found that the results of the action rsearch of First Cycle (SP) for motivation in this study were distributed over sub motivtion namely interest with a mean 4,0 (high) , with a mean Perception 4,16 (high) , and the mean usability 4,12 (high) . Motivate in the Second Cycle (SK) showed that the mean of interest 4;11 (high), Perception 4,18 (high), and usability 4,27 (high) . For further understanding of the concept of students in the _first cycle obtained a mean 8,83 (completed) while in the second cycle obtained mean 8,40 (completed) . From these results it can be concluded that by using of learning portal of BIOMIND based on PBL can increase motivation and overcome misconceptions students . It is expected that in high school biology teachers can implement PBL approach and conduct further research with the other subject matter of science , so that learning outcomes can be achieved with good and students can have a good motivation and understanding .enPortal of BIOMINDProblem Based Learning (PBL)MotivationMisconception of StudentsEffectiveness Of The Use Of E-Learning Portal Of Biomind To Improve Motivation And Overcoming Misconception Of StudentUR-Scientific Work Lecturer