Rijal, MuhammadAldy, Pedia2015-03-052015-03-052015-03-05wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6805The glass is formed by element which during the rime without YOll rea lize possible there are at yO[lr house backyard or your environment work. Glass material spread OI;(;r above island in esrth. 711/'smetter become in the world or«rchitecture nusentere if we do not exploring existence of glass. III (he west technologicel till in this time continue explored how in a moment v/utt glass to substitution element otespeciul structure ( which during the lime only exploiting concrete and steel ill the world of construction). This article only sma11 explenntion about glass (rom some important note pursuant to source of reference representing, in meaning glass material tiotn the aspect of/ook into light nature! a t aperture element in the world oterchitecture. In this article, writer try to present syucluouized simple explanation but about history ettendence of glass started DIlly as decorator till the part of construction.this very Iinnous aperture element buttonhole in architecture world, colebotetioa with glass material by presenting some environmental etiect and into illumination systems innovation to load tight tuitutal tnnxnnally which tiemed ill glass till attend again explore ill architecture worldenGlass Technology In Natural Light Glasses On Aperture Element In The Architecture WorldUR-Scientific Work Lecturer