Fitri, Gita Novita2021-07-152021-07-152020-07wahyu sari yeni on the analysis of underground water in Rimbo Panjang Village using Sclumberger Geoelectric and Hydrogeochemical methods. Geoelectric is a method used to determine the nature of electric currents in the earth by detecting on the surface of the earth. Identification of the aquifer layer was carried out on 2 lines with a length of 100 meters. Based on the results of the analysis using progress software, the first path produces a resistivity value of 101.78 Ωm - 837.45 Ωm and the second path 118.02 Ωm - 863.84 Ωm. Groundwater samples at the study site were tested for pH, TDS and coli bacteria. The results showed that all water samples has acidic levels with an average pH of 5.5 so that rust often occurred on water pipes and caused smel water, whereas TDS results was not exceed the quality standard and coli bacteria exceeded the quality standard so the water was not suitable for consumption.enUnderground WaterSchlumberger MethodHydrogeochemicalRimbo PanjangANALISA AIR BAWAH TANAH DI DESA RIMBO PANJANG DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI SCHLUMBERGER DAN HIDROGEOKIMIAArticle