Fajri, Dhanta2013-01-072013-01-072013-01-07MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1177Global economic and technological development of the world is increasing. General Motors Company is one of the American automotive industry that seizes the opportunities in this very promising business. Chevrolet is General Motors production cars are popular in Indonesia. Chevrolet name is quite familiar in Indonesia. As a car, the spirit of the brand implies, friendly, confident and stylish. No wonder the Chevrolet quickly sped its development and is now a world brand. Based on the results of analysis of automotive product sales strategy brands Chevrolet Captiva in PT. Vinsa Indo Sejahtera, has good potential. Can be in the know of the responses regarding the availability of the type of car indicator 4.15 (range 4.10 to 5.00) were categorized as strongly agree, the color of the car 4.06 (range 3.10 to 4.09) in ketegorikan agreed, interest spare 4.04 (range 3.10 to 4.09) in ketegorikan agree credit terms 4.26 (range 4.19 to 5.00) were categorized as strongly agree, advances 4.15 (range 3.19 - 4.19) in ketegorikan agree, mortgage interest rates 4.15 (range 3.19 to 4.19) in ketegorikan agree, offers 4.80 (range 4.22 to 5.00) were categorized as strongly agree, the survey 4.22 (range 4.22 to 5.00) in ketegorikan strongly agree, exhibit 4.27 (range 4.20 to 5.00) were categorized as strongly agree, brochures 4.22 (range 4.10 to 5, 00) are in excellent agree ketegorikan, immediate reward 4.44 (range 4.10 to 5.22) in ketegorikan strongly agree, offers 4.44 (range 4.22 to 5.00) were categorized as strongly agree, the waiting room service 4.80 (range 4.20 to 5.00) in ketegorikan strongly agree, car service call 4.22 (range 4.20 to 5.00) in ketegorikan strongly agree.otherthe analysis of automotive product sales strategyChevroletproduct sales strategyANALISIS STRATEGI PENJUALAN PRODUK OTOMOTIF MERK CHEVROLET CAPTIVA PADA PT. VINSA INDO SEJAHTERA PEKANBARUArticle