Sasmita, AryoYenie, Elvi2016-04-222016-04-222016-04-22978-602-73367-0-4wahyu sari yeni Achmad Pekanbaru Public hospital is one of the largest hospital in Pekanbaru with medical waste generated an average of 320 Kg / day. Unperfect waste burning conditions instead become a new problem as a source of air pollutants. It‘s necessary to analyze the distribution of particulate matter from combustion products from Arifin Ahmad incinerator to know the quality of the surrounding air. This research begins with a review of literature related. Then do the primary and secondary data collection including a location map research, waste generated data, data about the incinerator, the data of wind speed and direction, as well as other necessary data. The collected data is processed to be input ScreenView program. Outpun gained from the program ScreenView obtain the distribution pattern of particulate matter from Arifin Ahmad Hospital incinerator. From this research it is known that the distribution of particulate tends toward the south and southeast with a maximum value of 12 ug / m3 at a distance of 200 m from the source of emission.enparticulate matterincinerationdistribution patternParticulate Emission Distribution Prediction from Rsud Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru Incenerator Using ScreenviewUR-Proceedings