Gani, Suherman Abdul2024-03-142024-03-142023-11PerpustakaanElfitra porang plant (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is a type of Indonesian tuber plant that belongs to the family of Araceae plants. In recent years, the demand for porang in the world and domestic markets has continued to increase, this has become a public interest in planting porang because it has quite a large potential opportunity. However, like other plants, porang cultivation cannot be separated from pests and diseases. Porang farmers must be able to quickly identify the types of pests and diseases that attack crops to minimize damage. A quick way that can be used to identify diseases and pests in porang plants is to use a tool in the form of an expert system. One method that can be used in expert systems is Dempster-shafer. This method can help in diagnosing diseases and pests based on the entered symptoms. This study used 3 pest data, 4 disease data, and 22 symptom data on porang plants. This study involved 2 experts with 12 different case data in the field. The results of this study are based on a comparison of expert diagnoses with systems, there are 11 appropriate diagnostic data.enArtificial IntelligenceDempster-shafer MethodExpert SystemPorang PlantSISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSA PENYAKIT DAN HAMA PADA TANAMAN PORANG (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEMPSTER-SHAFERElfitraArticle