Gaol, Fifi Tabarizty Lb2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27MUCHTAR RAHMAT study discuss about effectiveness of the role of NCB-Interpol Indonesia in combating drugs trafficking and abuse in 2009-2011. The high drug cases that occurred in Indonesia makes the existence of an organization that is tackling the drug problem in assuming important. NCB-Interpol Indonesia is an organization that aims to tackle transnational crime and international issues. The crime in question include the crime of terrorism, drugs, human trafficking, crimes at sea, money laundering, arms smuggling, crime and economic crime virtual world. However, in this study will be focused on drug crimes. By using non-statistical methods are qualitative methods, the authors will describe the role and effectiveness of the NCB-Interpol Indonesia in tackling drugs problems began in 2009 that focused until the year 2011, by using the theory of functions of international organizations and the effectiveness of international organizations. In tackling the drugs problem in Indonesia, NCB-Interpol Indonesia doing some real effort, namely, to exchange data and information with other Interpol member countries, held meetings with other countries and organizations discuss about drugs, cooperation Mutual Legal Assistace of Criminal Matters (MLA), and the cooperation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). However, the effectiveness of some of the efforts of Indonesia NCB-Interpol ineffective.otherdrugs trafficking,effectiveness,NCB-Interpol Indonesia,roleEFEKTIVITAS PERAN NCB-INTERPOL INDONESIA MENANGGULANGI PERDAGANGAN DAN PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOBA TAHUN 2009-2011student Paper Post Degree