Nopiyani, SasmiMuhdarinaMukhtar, Akmal2016-05-022016-05-022016-05-02wahyu sari yeni natural clay has been used as precursor for synthesis of liquid coagulant. Liquid coagulant was used to improve the quality of peat water into clean water. Liquid coagulant was obtained through calcination stage of clay at a temperature of 700 °C for 1 hour and leaching using 0,2 mol H2SO4 with various temperatures of 80 and 100 °C for 2 hours. Further peat water parameters before and after the coagulation was analyzed including turbidity and TSS. The results showed that the coagulant with leaching temperature 80 °C (KLC 1(80-2)) achieved highest percentage efficiency for turbidity 17.59% and TSS 62,78%. However, peat water after the coagulation is unsuitable with PERMENKES 416 / MENKES / PER / IV / 1990 about Water Quality Requirements and PP 82 Year 2001 on Water Quality Management and Water Pollution ControlenCengar clayliquid coagulantpeat waterPENGGUNAAN KOAGULAN CAIR BERBASIS LEMPUNG ALAM DALAM PENGOLAHAN AIR GAMBUT: KALSINASI 700OC/1 JAMstudent Paper Post Degree