Saam, ZulfanNurhidayah, TQaidah, Reina2018-03-152018-03-152018-03-15978-602-51349-0-6wahyu sari yeni forests are one of the ecosystems, which contain a variety of biota life that need each other in various life. The Akit aborigin are descendingly utilizing and making charcoal from mangrove wood. The purpose of this study was to analyze the forms of local wisdom to maintain mangrove forests, making mangrove charcoal, and socio-economic conditions of the Akit aborigin. This research was conducted in Jangkang Village, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. Data collection technique is done through observation and in-depth interview and then analyzed descriptively - qualitative. The result of this research is Akit aborigin has local wisdom in preserving mangrove trees and behaving environmentally friendly in making mangrove charcoal. Their forms of wisdom are to have local knowledge in order for mangrove branches to grow properly, using traditional, environmentally friendly tools, transporting mangrove wood is an energy-efficient wooden boat. In addition, indigenous Akit aborigin has local knowledge about the types of environmentally friendly stoves, the type of wood that produces quality charcoal and the type of wood for fuel. In addition, they have indigenous knowledge signs of charcoal is ripe, the smoke emits a delicious aroma and the eyes become painful if hit by charcoal smoke. The Akit community is a marginalized society, unhealthy living environment conditions characterized by poor sanitation and drainage, insufficient water supply and inadequate health services. Household income levels are below minimum monthly requirements and lack of awareness of the importance of education. Government policies should focus on providing basic services and community empowerment and infrastructure development to foster economic developmentenwater supply systeminvestmentNPVBCRIRRKearifan Lokal Pemanfaatan Kayu Mangrove Oleh Masyarakat Suku Akit : Ecobioenergi ArangArticle