Dewi, Afrita Sari2013-02-052013-02-052013-02-05 purpose of this research is to determine the impact of baby massage to bounding attachment. The method of research was a quasi experimental with design of research pretest-posttest with control group. This research is in Arifin Ahmad of The Government Hospital, Camar 1 with samples as 30 respondent with 15 people for experimental group and 15 people for control group. Take the sample by purposive sampling. This results of research is using analized by univariat and bivariat. Analized of bivariat used t-test dependent and independent. The results of research is increase bounding attachment with significant to experiment group after baby massage p value (0,000) > α (0,05). This result give recommendation for the medicine, it is suggested to give explanation for public especially mother post partum.enbaby massagebabybounding attachmentPENGARUH PIJAT BAYI BARU LAHIR TERHADAP BOUNDING ATTACHMENTOther