Indrayani, A. F.Efendi, R.Sirait, H.2014-03-252014-03-252014-03-25Rangga Dwijunanda Putra estimators discussed in this paper are the Exponential Proportions Ratio Estimator, The Product Estimator Exponential Proportion, and The Combination-Product Ratio Exponential Proportions Estimator on simple random sampling proposed by Singh et. al. [Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operations Research, 1(2): 18-32]. The three proposed estimators are biased estimators. Then the mean square error of each estimator is evaluated. Furthermore, the mean square errors are compared to obtain the most efficient one. A numerical example is given at the end of discussion.otherproportionexponentialbiasmean square errorKOMBINASI PENAKSIR RASIO-PRODUK PROPORSI EKSPONENSIAL UNTUK RATA-RATA POPULASI PADA SAMPLING ACAK SEDERHANAOther