Hasanah, SuratmiPutri2013-05-172013-05-172013-05-17http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3403PENGARUH METODE BERCERITA TERHADAP KARAKTER ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUNPutri Suratmi Hasanah (0905132315) Pengaruh Metode Bercerita Terhadap Karakter Anak Usia 5 – 6 Tahun di TK FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. Tahun Ajaran 2012 – 2013.Skirpsi.(The Influences of Telling Method to the Children’s Character 5 up to 6 Years Old in TK FKIP UNRI Pekanbaru. Of the 2012 – 2013 Year. Thesis). Based on the observation in TK FKIP UNRI there are 25 children has some problems. The problems are: 1) The children throw the rubbish in everywhere, 2) the children don’t want sharing with their friends, 3) after they played, and they don’t want to keep their toys, 4) the children come late. The purpose of this research is to know the children’s character before and after apply telling method, to know the influences to the children’s character 5 up to 6 years old in TK FKIP UNRI. The total sample in this research is 25 in the class B1. This is experiment research using the one group design by pre test and post test through observation sheet. From the research and the explanation can be concluded that the children’s character 5 up to 6 years old in TK FKIP UNRI before apply the telling method in low category after applied the telling method in good category. It can be proved from the t test result that t count is bigger than t table, t count result 21,53 while t table 1,671. So, Telling method is very effective is used to increase the children’s character 5 up to 6 years old in TK FKIP UNRIen-USTelling Methodchildren’s characterPengaruh Metode Bercerita Terhadapkarakter Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Tk Fkip UR Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree