Widyaningrum, Anggun A2013-08-012013-08-012013-08-01Nofianti,S.Pdhttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4885The Use Of Group Discussion Method To Improve Students’speaking Ability Of Secondary StudentsThis classroom action research aimed to know the students ability in speaking, how the Group Discussion influences students’ speaking ability and the improvement of th estudents’ speaking ability after applying Group Discussion Method. This research was conducted at SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. The population of this research was the secondary students of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru, namely XI Science 2 which consisted of 36 students. In addition, there were two cycles in this research and the writer used spoken test to see the improvement of the students’ speaking ability on each cycle. Besides, the writer asked the collaborator to observe the process of the teaching and learning process by using the observation sheets and field note prepared by the writer. This research started on April 2013 and ended on May 2013. After accomplishing this research, the writer concludes that The use of Groups Discussion could improve the students speaking ability. It can be seen that in the pre-test there was no student who reached the minimum criteria of achievment (KKM), then it increased become 1 person on the Good to Excellent level. Furthermore, it inreased again into 17 students who reached the KKM (78). In addition, the use of Group Discussion method can stimulate the students to be more active to follow the lesson. It can be seen from the three meetings in each cycle, 98,61% of students in average were motivated to follow the lesson well.en-USgroup diussion,short text functionalspeaking ability,The Use Of Group Discussion Method To Improve Students’speaking Ability Of Secondary Students At SMAN 10 Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree