FitriyantiDevi, SilveraSaryono2016-10-192016-10-192016-10-19wahyu sari yeni stutzery LBKURCC49, LBKURCC51 and LBKURCC53 are local endofitic bacteria that can produce amylase. Amylase is an enzyme which hydrolyze amilum into maltose and glucose by breaking down the α-1,4 glycosidic linkages. The production of amylase enzyme from microorganisms can be optimized by adjusting the fermentation conditions. The activity of amylase enzyme was determined with the DNS (dinitrosalicylic) methods. The highest amylase enzyme activity at pH 6.0, 40°C and 120 rpm was shown by Pseudomonas stutzery LBKURCC53. Furthermore, optimalization of amylase production by LBKURCC53 was conducted performed at various pHs (6.5; 7.0; 6.0; 7.5). The results showed that the optimum amylase enzyme activity was 66.173 x 10-3 U/mL at pH 6.0enAmylaseDNSPseudomonas stutzeryOPTIMALISASI pH PRODUKSI ENZIM AMILASE BAKTERI ENDOFITIK Pseudomonas stutzery LBKURCC53student Paper Post Degree