Kemaladina, Intan2013-01-222013-01-222013-01-22yeni Hepatitis B is now a major global health problem. Clerkship students are at risk of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection through accidental exposure to blood and body fluids due to inexperience and lack of ability in procedures with patients. There is still no regulation of hepatitis B screening and vaccination for clerkship students in Faculty of Medicine Riau University. This descriptive research aimed to identify the hepatitis B vaccination status and post-vaccination anti-HBs titer of clerkship students at Faculty of Medicine Riau University in November 2011 period. About 78 were participated, chosen by simple random sampling method. Students were managed to fill the form of the vaccination history and their sera were taken to assess the anti-HBs titer by ELISA examination. Of all the 78 students, 39 (50%) had received hepatitis B vaccine. Among vaccinated students, a total of 64,1% had the protective anti-HBs titer (≥10 mIU/mL) and 35,9% had the non-protective titer. Negative result for anti-HBs examination was found in 66,7% of students who had been vaccinated by age less than 20 years and in 9,5% of students who got the vaccine by age 20 years and older.otherHepatitis B vaccinationanti-HBs titerclerkship studentsIDENTIFIKASI STATUS VAKSINASI HEPATITIS B DAN KADAR ANTI- HBS PASCA VAKSINASI PADA MAHASISWA KEPANITERAAN KLINIK FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS RIAUstudent Paper Post Degree