Ardiansyah, Ruli FebriSyofyan,JurnawatyIdwar2013-04-172013-04-172013-04-17Arnalis Febri Ardiansya.Jur.2013The objective this reseasch used to determine the efficiency of used fertilizers N, P and K in farmers' fields in the OPRM Program in Kampar district on the growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties PB-42 and get the right dose of fertilizer. The experiment was conducted in the Ranah village of Subdistrict kampar, District Kampar From July to November 2011. The research was conducted using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications thus obtained 24 experimental units. The treatment’s spacing (A0) not fertilizer, (A1) 7.5 g Urea, 6 g TSP, and 3 g KCl (3.45 g N, 2.76 g P2O5, 1.8 g K20), (A2) 15 g Urea, 12 g TSP, and 9 g KCl (6.9 g N, 5.52 g P2O5, 5.4 g K20), (A3) 22.5 g Urea, 18 g TSP, and 15 g KCl (10.35 g N, 8.28 g P2O5, 9.0 g K20), (A4) 30 g Urea, 24 g TSP, and 21 g KCl (13.8 g N, 11.04 g P2O5, 12.6 g K20), (A5) 45 g Urea, 30 g TSP, and 15 g KCl (20.7 g N, 13.8 g P2O5, 9.0 g K20). Then do the DNMRT tested further with the level 5%. The results showed for the parameters of plant height, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, plant dry weight harvest, panicle length, number of grain panicle, empty and weight percentage of grain milled rice g/m2 showed good growth, whereas the parameter levels N, P and K nutrient uptake efficiency of N, P and K, weighing 100 grains and production efficiency grains results show growth and production are not good. Therefore, the production efficiency of grain yield 16.193 g/ha (g grain / g N, P, K). When applied to the area of 1 ha at a spacing of 30 x 20 the results obtained 4.07 tons / ha.otherEfficiency of fertilizers N, P andRice Variety PB-42OPRM ProgramEfisiensi Penggunaan Pupuk N, P dan K Pada Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa l.) Varietas Pb-42 Dalam Program Operasi pangan Riau Makmur (oprm) di Desa Ranah Kabupaten Kamparstudent Paper Post Degree