Sukma, R.T2013-01-212013-01-212013-01-21Wahono.M.Si Bunyi Choo’on Dalam Kosakata Terhadap Mahasiswa Tingkat IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas RiauPersepsi Bunyi Choo’on Dalam Kosakata Terhadap Mahasiswa Tingkat IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 Oleh: Rahayu Tri Sukma1 Anggota : 1. Arza Aibonotika2 2. Nana Rahayu3 Email:, No. HP: 085278780022 ABSTRACT This study analized the level of the speech sound provided in the three Students’ Textbooks: Minna no Nihongo I, Minna no Nihongo II and Kana Nyumon. The words were collected based on the vocabularies with the long speech articulation which was then recorded using the native speaker’s voice and the subjects in this respect were required to measure their competence in identifying the short and long speech articulations. Praat computer software had been used in analyzing the short and long speech articulations which was aimed at establishing how many pitches (haku) belongs to the choo’on sounds and pitches (haku) which are not grouped in to choo’on sounds. The objective of this study is to discover students’ ability in identifying choo’on sounds againts the vocabularies and the same time to see the correlation between the competence of identifying sounds with the familiar vocabularies.en-UShakuchoo’onpraatPersepsi Bunyi Choo’on Dalam Kosakata Terhadap Mahasiswa Tingkat IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Riau Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012student Paper Post Degree