Hadi, Nike Haryati2013-08-282013-08-282013-08-28MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/5181The progress of an era in which has a lot of change of views on women. One of the success of women outside world, can be seen from the leadership of a woman. Achievement and the success of women proved that women have much in common with men. Even ability, the level of education, ambition, and experience in leadership can exceed man. Women have the right to hold office and perform all the functions of Government in every level. The level of the village seen from the Indonesia Government system is the cutting edge of local governance are directly confronted with the public at large, the figure of the head of the woman is capable of demonstrating to their effectiveness in leading and showed the attitude, personality and way of its leadership in supporting the implementation of activities in the village. This research aims to look at the behavior of the leader of the women of the village head of task-oriented behavior and relationship behavior towards servants resulting leadership styles. On the research methods employed are qualitative analysis methods. While the data analysis technique used is a descriptive analysis of words, oral or written, and behavior that can be observed from the people who researched. Based on the results of research carried out and continued with the analysis of direct questioning is held to the informant about the way, attitudes, personality and behavioral history as a Woman in the city of Pekanbaru to produce conclusions, that the head of the women in the application of his daily work well with the officers and the Administrative apparatus as well as LPM and RW of behavior are more likely to incorporate a balanceoriented tasks that tend to give the focus the social relationships be accommodated through the involvement of employees (decision making, problem solving and so on), then the leadership style adopted by the Female head is demokrative.otherleader of the women,task-oriented behavior,relationship behaviorKEPEMIMPINAN LURAH PEREMPUAN DI KOTA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree