Juliwanti, siska2012-10-312012-10-312012-10-30http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/344penelitian tentang perubahan sistem sosial batobo di desa Kinali kec Kuatan Mudik Kab Kuantan SinggigiPERUBAHAN SISTEM SOSIAL BATOBO DESA KINALI KECAMATAN KUANTAN MUDIK KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI Siska Juliwanti Sofyan Suri Marwoto Saiman Pendidkan Sejarah, FKIP-Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru Alamat Korespondensi : Siskajulie88@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Have been conducted by a culture research, what aim to to know the social system change of batobo in countryside of kinali of pestle subdistrict go upstream the regency of Kuantan Singingi. this research is conducted at date of 8 juni until 12 juni 2012. Responder amount in this research as much 10 people. Method which is used in this research is method of deskriftif qualitative. Research conducted by data categorize pursuant to some theme as according to its research focus. Data collecting technique use observation technique, interview, and book study. From knowable research result that social system of batobo in countryside kinali have experienced of the change though there are some llama element which still be awaked. At former epoch social system of Batobo done mutual assistancely and voluntary but at the time now social system of Batobo more tend to fee system. What people care about this good enough Batobo proven by to the number of society of in following activity of this Batobo. Besides what people care about member oof Tobo also very either due many society which is group energy using of Batobo.Change,social systemBatoboPerubahan Sistem Sosial Batobo Desa Kinali Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik Kabupaten Kuantan SingingiArticle