Yusuf, RachmiwatiSwastika, Sri2018-04-022018-04-022018-04-02978-602-51349-0-6wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/9331Conservation of natural resources is the savings of the use of natural resources and treats them under natural laws. Natural resources are a very important element in this life, because without our natural resources it is impossible to live in this world, while what is meant by sustainable development is development that can meet the needs of the current generation and the needs of future generations. The five main principles of sustainable development are the principles of (1) intergenerational justice; (2) justice in one generation; (3) early prevention; (4) protection of biodiversity; and (5) the internalization of environmental costs and incentive mechanisms. Many of the constraints faced in the conversion of natural resources such as densely populated populations, low levels of ecological awareness of the community, rapid technological advances and current legislation have not been sufficient to support the establishment of conservation areas.enconservationnatural resourcesustainable developmentKonservasi Sumber Daya Alam Dalam Pembangunan BerkelanjutanArticle