Fahmi, Rizal2023-01-312023-01-312022-10PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10837Plumeria Rubra L is one of the ornamental plants of the Apocynaceae family which has been empirically proven as a medicinal plant. This study aimed to isolate and characterize secondary metabolites from an n-hexane extract of red frangipani flowers and to test the toxicity of n-hexane extract from red frangipani flowers using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method. The sample was macerated using methanol as solvent, then partitioned with n-hexane and ethyl acetate as solvent. Isolation of secondary metabolites of n-hexane extract was carried out using Vacum Liquid Chromatography (VLC) into seven separation fractions. The results of fraction four (4) and fraction five (5) respectively produced the dirty compounds PRL-H-4 and PRL-H- 5. Purification by recrystallization is carried out on each compound, then the pure compound produced will be tested for its melting point and characterized using FT-IR and UV-Vis. The PRL-H-4 compound has a melting point of 248-250ºC with FT-IR results showing absorption at a wave number of 3276 cm-1 which indicates the (OH) group, 2944-2854 cm-1 C-H aliphatic (alkane), 1683 cm-1 (C=C alkene), 1457.28 cm-1 (CH2), 1042 cm-1, and 1036 cm-1 bonds (C-O), in the UV-Vis, results from there is a maximum absorption at a wavelength of 207 nm. The PRL-H-5 compound has a melting point of 130-132ºC with FT-IR results showing absorption at a wave number of 3428-3298 cm-1 which indicates the (OH) group, 2937 cm-1 C-H aliphatic (alkane), 1669 cm-1 (C=C alkene), 1465 cm-1 (CH2), 1382 cm-1 (CH3), 1054 cm-1 bonds (C-O), in the UV-Vis, results from there is a maximum absorption at a wavelength of 203 nm. Based on the characterization results, PRL-H-4 is a triterpenoid compound, and PRL-H-5 is a steroid compound. The results of the toxicity test using the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method showed that the n-hexane extract was non-toxic with an LC50 value of > 1000 ppm.enanticancerextractionplumeriatoxicityISOLASI DAN UJI TOKSISITAS METABOLIT SEKUNDER EKSTRAK n-HEKSANA DARI BUNGA KAMBOJA MERAH (Plumeria rubra L)Article