APRIZONALDI2014-05-062014-05-062014-05-06MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6165Facing the demands of the public about the need for particular care about fire prevention is one of the real manifestations of government in providing services to the community in realizing the security and comfort of the community environment, in this case the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Fire Department through the Department of Social Welfare and Labor District Kampar, as executive operations remain prioritize and promote and provide public service to the community, especially in case of fire disaster. The purpose of this study is: To find out how to function Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in Kampar District Fire Department fire prevention efforts and to determine the factors that influence the function of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in Kampar District Fire Department fire prevention efforts . The theory used in this study is the theory of Functions Organization / Institution according to Etzioni is a guide for activities, sources of legitimacy, standards of performance, motivation and basic standards of rational organization. The method used descriptive qualitative analysis method that is based on trying to explain the phenomena that exist and explore all the facts relating to the subject matter covered by the research function of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Kampar District Fire In Fire Fighting Efforts, based on interviews of key informants who know well about the UPT. Fire extinguisher. Based on the research and analysis that has been conducted on this study, it can be some conclusions about UPT. Pemmdam Fire In carrying out routine tasks UPT. Firefighters often have constraints on the operational funds and fund office. Funds that had been very limited. Conditions are expected UPT. Fire District. Kampar, the procurement Unit Pos. Fire in the District, it is in an effort to speed up the handling of the fire incident that occurred in the subdistrict and village at least 4 (four) postal district is divided by region in Kebupaten Kampar. There needs to be adequate Office Building, this is all in an effort to increase services to improve the readiness of firefighters in fire prevention in Kampar regency, and the addition of field officers should firefighters look at the vast area of Kampar district of the city is only taken when Bangkinang.otherFunction,UPT Fire ExtinguisherFire FightingFUNGSI UNIT PELAKSANAAN TEKNIS (UPT) PEMADAM KEBAKARAN KABUPATEN KAMPAR DALAM UPAYA PENANGGULANGAN KEBAKARANstudent Paper Post Degree