Gharaufi, HadzalieAhmad AdriantoBahruddin2013-02-082013-02-082013-02-08rio andika Islands is known as sago-producing districts in Riau Province. Developments in the field of agriculture and agricultural industry often result in increased agricultural wastes most of which contain organic compounds. Liquid waste containing organic compounds in biological systems can be processed by aerobic or anaerobic systems. The way of handling the problem of wastewater treatment can be done by using a hybrid anaerobic bioreactor. The stability of hybrid anaerobic bioreactor treating wastewater in sago indicated by the ratio of the concentration of volatile acids and alkalinity levels. This study uses as a sago factory wastewater using bioreactors susbtrat rock hybrid of media. . The purpose of this study was to determine the stability of hybrid anaerobic bioreactor mediated cubes in starch processing wastewater at start-up and also to determine the optimum start-up time. Volume of work hybrid bioreactor used in this study was 10 L with a hydraulic residence time (WTH), which is 5 days during conditions of start-up parameters observed in this study is the concentration of volatile acidity and alkalinity, and look at the ratio of TAV / alkalinity in the bioreactor with rock media. Observations were made at an interval of 2 days to reach steady state. The results of this study indicate the stability of hybrid anaerobic bioreactor mediated rocks at start-up conditions is 0,006 on day 54. These results indicate that the hybrid anaerobic bioreactor has a high level of stability.otherAlkalinityAnaerobic processHybrid Anaerobic BioreactorSago WastewaterStabilityVolatile AcidKESTABILAN BIOREAKTOR HIBRID ANAEROB BERMEDIA BATU PADA KONDISI START-UP DALAM PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR PABRIK SAGUstudent Paper Post Degree