Baiwa, Sandi2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13wahyu sari yeni represent vital element to modern man aktifitas, when there traffic rules arranging safety but not adhering hence enforcer of law shall act the collision. Problems arise when gig representing traditional publik transport exist in Town of Payakumbuh impinge a[n traffic order not in acting prescribed by the regulations. This matter of course oppose against equation azaz Equality Before The Law, so that fluency elapse to pass by quickly annoyed. Heaviest problems is to alter society patterned thinking which it is true very respect mores they which have there is hereditaryly so that sometimes law and regulation in overruling and also more is obeying is they what have do since long time.enStraightening of LawTraffic and TransportationVehicle not MotorizePENEGAKAN HUKUM UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 22 TAHUN 2009 TENTANG LALU LINTAS DAN ANGKUTAN JALAN DALAM MENGATUR KENDARAAN TIDAK BERMOTOR DI KOTA PAYAKUMBUHstudent Paper Post Degree