Kusumasari, Mutya2021-12-272021-12-272021-06wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10359Biomassa-derived porous carbon has become an electrode material to be developed as a supercapacitor because it is relatively cheap and easy to obtain. Electrode materials derived from biomass for supercapacitors are considered as an effective solution to the problems of the energy crisis. Optimization efforts are made for the variations concentration of KOH in the manufacture ofelectrodes in order to obtain a high specific capacitance. Production of the electrodes began with pre-carbonization process of sample at a temperature of 200 0C for 1 hours and then process with chemical activation using KOH activator with 0,1 M, 0,2 M and 0,3 M concentration. The carbon electrode carbonization process is carried out at a temperature of 600 0C and the physical activation process at a temperature of 700 0C. TGA characterization showed the largest mass reduction rate at 313 0C, where this temperature was used as temperature of thermal resistance in the carbonization process. The highest specific surface area was found as high as 654,729 m2/g in sample with 0,1 M concentration, and the specific capacitance was measured in the amount of 137 F/g, 141 F/g and 134 F/g respectively for sample with 0,1 M, 0,2 M and 0,3 M activator concentration. The results showed that 0.2 M concentration was the best concentration in the production of areca midrib carbon electrodes. The results shows that the areca midrib is potential as the low cost and abundant source of material for supercapacitor elektrodes.enareca midribcarbon electrodeschemical activatorsupercapacitorspecific capacitanceFABRIKASI ELEKTRODA KARBON DARI PELEPAH PINANG DENGAN VARIASI KONSENTRASI KOH UNTUK APLIKASI SUPERKAPASITORArticle