Irawan, Adi BambangArmainiWardati2013-04-272013-04-272013-04-27Arnalis Bambang Irawan. jur. 2013This study uses The split plot consisted of 2 varieties (IR 42 and Sanapi) as main plots and 3 fertilizer composition K1 = 3 ton kompos, 100 % (200 kg Urea, 150 kg TSP dan 100 Kg KCl) pupuk anorganik dan 2 ton dolomit/ha K2 = 6 ton kompos, 75 % (150 kg Urea, 112,5 kg TSP dan 75 Kg KCl) pupuk anorganik dan 4 ton dolomit/ha K3 = 9 ton kompos, 50 % (100 kg Urea, 75 kg TSP dan 50 Kg KCl) pupuk anorganik dan 6 ton dolomit/ha as subplot on 3 replications. The number of experimental unit is 18. The results of analysis of variance was tested further by DNMRT at the level of 5%. The results showed that of the composition of the fertilizer increase the growth and production of crops on varieties IR 42 and Sanapi. The growth and production of varieties IR 42 out better than Sanapi that looks at : plant height, panicle length, panicle branch length, number of grains panicle, number panicle pithy grain, 1000 grain weight and production clump. On the variety IR 42, composition of fertilizer not show the real diversification which is visible from the parameters : the total number of tillers, number of productive tillers, flowering plant age, the amount of grain panicle, panicle pithy amount of grain and production clump. Just like with the varieties Sanapi parameters indicated by : the number of productive tillers, panicle length, panicle branch length, number of grains and production clump.otherFertilizerVarietiesSRI SystemTidal LandAplikasi Komposisi Pupuk Pada Padi (Oryza Sativa L) Ir 42 Dan Sanapi Dengan Sistem Sri Pada Tanah Pasang Surut Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulustudent Paper Post Degree