Sari, FerlinitaNovi2013-05-132013-05-132013-05-13Sahla, S.Pd Konseling Kelompok Terhadap Peningkatan Self Regulation SiswaPENGARUH KONSELING KELOMPOK TERHADAP PENINGKATAN SELF REGULATION SISWA KELAS X JURUSAN TEKNIK KOMPUTER DAN JARINGAN SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 2 PEKANBARU Novi Ferlinita Sari1, Tri Umari2, Abu Asyari3 Email : Abstrak To the effect in this research is: 1) To know pictures self regulation student before group counselling performing. 2) To know pictures self regulation student after group counselling performing. 3) To know the difference self regulation student before with after group counselling performing. 4) To know group counselling influences to step-ups self regulation student. Population in observational it is student that has self regulation on category be and low that total 42 student. Sample take by use of tech random sampling which is sample take of population is done at random irregardless strata whatever available in that population. This research utilize quantitative approaching with quasi's method experimental (pretest – posttest). To net data about self regulation student was utilized by questionnaire. Analisis is data utilizes statistic tech with percentage formula, to differentiate zoom self regulation student before with after executed agglomerate counselling to be utilized quiz “t”.Of quiz count “t” acquired t computing are even greater than t table . Thus h0 refused and ha accepted by that matter this research available difference which signifikan among self regulation student before with after group counselling service performing. Then of yielding arithmetic product moment's correlation r = 0,61 determinant coefficient which is r 2 = 0,37. Base determinant coefficient result can be known that exists 37% contribution service group counselling to self regulation student.othergroup counsellingself regulationstudentPengaruh Konseling Kelompok Terhadap Peningkatan Self Regulation Siswa Kelas X Jurusan Teknik Komputer Dan Jaringan Smk Muhammadiyah 2 PekanbaruOther