Putri, Mutiara Haryana2023-08-212023-08-212023-06PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11123Platycerium bifurcatum is an epiphytic fern, which belongs to the family polypdiceae and genus platycerium. P. bifurcatum has been tested for phytochemistry and contains secondary metabolite compounds. Several studies have been reported on this fern plant for antibacterial activity testing. In this study, Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Bacillus subtillis ATCC 19659) antibacterial activity tests were carried out from P. bifurcatum fern plant extracts. The results showed clear zone values from dichloromethane extract and ethyl acetate extract in Gram-positive bacteria. Based on antibacterial tests with diffusion methods in order to show moderate antibacterial activity with the largest clear zone in ethyl acetate extract, which is 16.58±1.70 in B. subtilis bacteria.enPlatycerium bifurcatumfernantibacterial testUJI ANTIBAKTERI DENGAN METODE DIFUSI AGAR DARI EKSTRAK TUMBUHAN PAKU Platycerium bifurcatumArticle