Indriati, GanisAmir, YufitrianaDewi, Yulia Irvani2021-11-012021-11-012020-11-04978-6025-309922wahyu sari yeni study aims to determine correlation between diet diversity and nutritional status in toddler. Method: This is a descriptive correlation study with a cross-sectional approach. Furthermore, the samples were mothers who have toddler with total of 77 respondents. Data were collected using diet diversity questionnaire to assess food diversity and anthropometrics for toddler’s nutritional status. Result: It was found that most respondents are between 17 – 25 years (98.7%), senior high school education (58.5%) and are housewives (71.4%). Furthermore, the toddlers were mostly female (53.2%) aged 12 – 24 months (57.1%). The food diversity they consume was more than 6 groups, hence high category was classified by diet diversity tools for 73 toddlers (94.8%). Also, their nutritional status was in good category by anthropometrics (84.4%). The data analysis results using Somers’d correlation test obtained p value of 0.059 and alpha 0.05. Conclusion: In this study, diet diversity was not associated with toddler's nutritional status.enDiet DiversityNutritional StatusToddlerCORRELATION BETWEEN DIET DIVERSITY AND TODDLER’S NUTRITIONAL STATUSArticle