Nugroho, Dimas Ahmad2022-01-172022-01-172021-07wahyu sari yeni to find out the identification of subsurface layer of muara fajar landfill using geoelectric method of Sclumberger configuration Rumbai subdistrict, Pekanbaru City.has been done. The method used in this study is one-dimensional Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method. Data were processed using Software called Progress. Based on the results of data processing then the information on rock layers at the research site is obtained. The results of the data processing showed on the track 1 that the resistivity values of the soil layer are 976.43 ohm-meters at a depth of 0 - 8.39 meters, 116.69 ohm-meters at a depth of 8.39 - 20.15 meters, 151.55 ohm-meters at a depth of 20.15 – 42.65 meters, 69.12 ohms-meters at a depth of 42.65 – 55.04 meters, 4.20 ohms-meters at a depth of 55.04 meters. The track 2 soil layer resistivity values, are 896.61 ohms-meters at a depth of 0 – 4.16 meters , 1709.36 ohms-meters at a depth of 4.16 – 9.86 meters, 361.98 ohms-meters at depths of 9.86 – 24.96 meters, 565.60 ohms-meters at depths of 24.96 – 44.15 meters, 45.96 ohms-meters at a depth of 44.15 meters. Based on the depth of track 1, the information obtained consists sand and gravel with a thickness of 8.39 meters, sand with a thickness of 11.76 meters, sand with a thickness of 22.5 meters, a layer of aquifers with a thickness of 12.39 meters and lindi water obtained at a depth of 55.04 meters while for track 2 consists sand and gravel with a thickness of 4.16 meters, sand with a thickness of 5.64 meters , gravel with a thickness of 15.09 meters, sand with a thickness of 10.67 meters and aquifer layer obtained at a depth of 44.15 meters, while for the lindi water layer is only identified on track 1 at a depth of 55.04 meters.enSubsurface Layer of the EarthMuara Fajar LandfillLeachateGeoelectric MethodSchlumberger ConfigurationINDENTIFIKASI LAPISAN BAWAH PERMUKAAN TPA MUARA FAJAR MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI SCHLUMBERGERArticle