Noviana, Hernita2012-12-102012-12-102012-12-09 research was conducted at PT Global Jaya Pekanbaru doing business in Tuanku Tambusai Street 225 Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze whether the leadership of, the organizational culture and work environment and simultaneous partial effect on employee discipline. The population in this study were all employees of PT Global Jaya Pekanbaru Buildings totaling as many as 57 people and all were sampled so that the sampling technique is done by census method. These results portray the discipline of employees of PT Global Jaya Pekanbaru Buildings has been good, as well as leadership, organizational culture and work environment, it is seen from the responses to the indicators of each variable. Then there is also a significant effect of the variable of leadership, organizational culture and work environment for employee discipline, either partially or simultaneously. This is evident from the results of the t test and F test Correlation coefficient is known there is a strong positive relationship between the variables of leadership, organizational culture and work environment with work discipline. As well there is a coefficient of determination of the higher contribution of independent variables to discipline employees.otherLeadershipOrganizational CultureWork EnvironmentDisciplineANALYSIS OF EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE WORK ENVIRONMENT AND DISCIPLINE PT GLOBAL BANGUNANAN JAYA PEKANBARUArticle