Hardy, M. Fikri2012-10-162012-10-162012-10-16Sumarnihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/180This research was done on July 11th until December 25th, 2011 in Fish Breeding Laboratory of Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of Riau Ubiversity, Pekanbaru. Aim of the research was to know the influence of injection combination of ovaprim and prostaglandin for ovulation and eggs quality of kissing gouramy (Helostoma temmincki C.V). The method used was RAL with five treatments and three replications. The treatment were: P1= 50% Ovaprim + 50% PGF2 α (0,35 ml ovaprim + 1250 μg PGF2 α/kg body weight), P2 = 75% Ovaprim + 25% PGF2 α (0,3 ml ovaprim + 625 μg PGF2 α/kg body weight), P3 = 25% Ovaprim + 75% PGF2 α (0,18 ml ovaprim + 1875 μg PGF2 α/kg body weight), P4 = 100% Ovaprim (0,7 ml ovaprim/kg body weight), P5 = 100% μg PGF2 α (2500 μg PGF2 α/kg body weight). The fastest result of latent time was 6,33 (6 hour 20 minutes), amount of eggs ovulation 76,19 eggs/g, egg diameter additional 0,3 mm and egg maturity additional 10,67%.otherKissing GouramyOvaprimProstaglandinOvulationLaten timeEgg diameterEgg maturityTHE EFFECT OF OVAPRIM AND PROSTAGLANDIN (PGF2α) COMBINATION ON OVULATION AND EEG QUALITY OF KISSING GOURAMY (Helostoma temmincki C.V)Article