Susanti, Rina2012-11-072012-11-072012-11-07Arbi Sahuri is a group or employee in informal sector who live from collecting trash on TPA. For many of scavenges, a heap of trash in TPA are the place for work to fulfillment the family’s need. Because that TPA is important for scavenge, in the last survey, it has gotten 144 scavenges who listed in TPA Muara Fajar, that have been operaterd since 1983. The activities of scavenge in TPA are has been created working pattern such the as setting of time working, time, the way, and the starting time and also combination of the family member in collecting trash. With all the impediment of working in TPA, the amount of income that gotten by scavenges are decided by their working pattern in TPA. The problem are: How is the impact of scavenge’s working pattern to the income? And, what is the impediment which scavenge faced? The kind of this research is survey research whit quantitative curse. The need of data, including the primer data which gotten by qusioner and skunder data. The amount of population are 144 scavenges with 59 scavenges become sample. Data-processing devided to quantitative which refind mathematical by using Uji Regresi and the description. The result of research showed that there is an impact between working pattern and level of scavenge’s income with an equation Y = 0,260 X -1,140, where in each 1 augmentation of the scavenge’s working pattern in TPA, it means that the level of their income will be increased 0,260. As for in scavenge’s activities in TPA, the scavenge faced by some impediments in working such as shy, the bad view from society and less of family’s support.otherScavengeWorking Patternand Social ExchangeANALISA PERTUKARAN SOSIAL MENGENAI POLA BEKERJA PEMULUNG DI TPA MUARA FAJAR KECAMATAN RUMBAI KOTA PEKANBRAUArticle