Shafik, Muhamad2022-07-212022-07-212022-01PerpustakaanElfitra Inti Indosawit Subur has varios yields of palm oil each year. The research was conducted with the stages of analyzing data needs, collecting data and forecasting with the Decomposition Method. In the Decomposition Method, there are four stages of calculation in the Decomposition Method, namely looking for Trend values, Seasonal Index, and Cyclic Variation, and error values. Manual calculations and system testing resulted in output where the first quarter amounted to 152607,635, the second quarter amounted to 175377,875, the third quarter amounted to 248788,019, and the fourth quarter amounted to 255027,911 with a the forecasting results are tested by tracking signal. The tracking signal value in this oil palm forecasting that is of -4 because the tracking signal value is in the range of -4 to +4, so it can be concluded that the forecasting of oil palm yields at PT Inti Indosawit Subur using the Decomposition Method is valid.enDecomposition MethodPT Inti Indosawit SuburHarvest Yield ForecastInformation SystemPERAMALAN HASIL PANEN KELAPA SAWIT PADA PT INTI INDOSAWIT SUBUR MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEKOMPOSISIArticle