Rais, Muhammad2013-04-302013-04-302013-04-30http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3099The research was conducted in sub district Pangkalan Kerinci based on the increasing the number of motorcycles, it will provide a potential market opportunities and prospects for business washing motorcycles. The purpose of this study to know about prospects business washing motorcycles, also to know about the business conditions and driving factors the increase and barriers. Population and samples in this study were 40 people business owners of the business washing motorcycles. The technique of collecting data through questionnaire method, the interview method and observation method. Methods of analysis using the feasibility analysis Net Present Velue (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C), dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The results of this study the business washing motorcycles in sub district Pangkalan Kerinci, has the prospect with increasing number of motorcycles. Constraints of faced by motorcycle washing business is weather and competitors. The climate is change often such as rain. and increased competition then this will make the motorcycle washing business revenue to be down.otherprospectbusiness washing motorcyclesPresent Velue (NPV)Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C)Internal Rate of Return (IRR)PROSPEK USAHA CUCIAN SEPEDA MOTOR DI PANGKALAN KERINCI KABUPATEN PELALAWAN