Anwar, KhairulIsrilAsrida, Wan2015-01-292015-01-292015-01-29wahyu sari yeni978-979-792-332-7 focus of this research 1s to find out triggering factors of social conflict happening around riverside area in 2001-2012. Method of this research is to Identify (1) qeneral and particular tr1qqerinq factors. (2) actors involved in the conffict (3) actors' interest about palm plantation poliCY ( 4) conflict solv1nq strateqv that 1s to come and has already done. Result shows that the non-leqal dominant factors of conflict in riverside area are p:Jverty and awareness of the economic factor of area.ensocial conflictpovertypeople's awarenessSocial Conflict Based on Palm Plantation Near to Riverside Area: Desa Dosan Siak Case, 2007-2012UR-Proceedings