Salbiah2015-06-202015-06-202015-06-202406-9175wahyu sari yeni commitment is a psychological construct that indicates the relative degree of individual attachment to the organization employed and the implications for the individual's decision to remain in the organization or not. The purpose of this explorative descriptive research is to describe and analyze the organization commitment among the lecturers in nursing higher education in Medan. The research used a correlation design with ex post facto research approach. The population is 165 lecturers from 11 institutions. The sampling method used a proportional stratified random sampling considering gender, organization status and education level based. The sample involved 115 participants based on the Cochran William formula. The data collection conducted through developed closed questionnaires and passed the validity and reliability test. The result showed that there is a high category on organization commitment with the proportion 88.7% and empirical average is higher than the ideal average. In addition, the caring individuals in the category above the mean ideal. Based on the samples characteristic, the formation of commitment is not determined as gender or lecturer’s level of education, but is determined by the status of the organization; that are public or private institution. In detail, it is obtained that the value of the organization's commitment among three - dimensional lecturer showed the same tendency, which is above the ideal average category. Based on the study results, it can be explained that the organizational commitment of Nursing Higher Education are need to be improved effectively.enOrganization commitmentNursing higher educationOrganizational Commitment: The Analysis Of The Higher Education In MedanUR-Proceedings