Permatasari, Silvia EkaNurhayati, Nurhayati2025-01-142025-01-142023-12PerpustakaanElfitra is an alternative fuel that is produced conventionally through the transesterification reaction of triglycerides or oil with short-chain alcohols and a catalyst. This research aims to increase the catalytic ability of the catalyst by modifying the CaO catalyst from blood cockle shells with SiO2 derived from areca palm ash through the impregnation method for use in the biodiesel production process. SiO2 impregnated with ratios of 3% w/w to the weight of CaO. The resulting catalyst was applied for biodiesel production with yield optimization using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with a Box Behnken Design (BBD) design. Analysis using BET shows that the surface area of CaOSiO2 3% has increased. XRF analysis of the 3% CaO-SiO2 catalyst obtained a CaO composition of 97.44%. At the optimum condition highest biodiesel yield was 95.95%enbiodieselcatalystand response surface methodology (RSM)SINTESIS BIODIESEL MENGGUNAKAN KATALIS CaO-SiO2 (3%) DARI CANGKANG KERANG DARAH DAN ABU SABUT PINANG KALSINASI 800ÂșCArticle