Nurliah, NurliahAzwar, Budi2021-03-122021-03-122019-11978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni of the living natural resources and its ecosystem aims to achieve the preservation of the living natural resources and the balance of the ecosystem so that it can better support efforts to improve the welfare of the community and the quality of human life. This is the responsibility and obligation of the Government and the community. Conservation of biological natural resources and their ecosystems is carried out through the protection of life support systems, preservation of diversity of plant and animal species and their ecosystems as well as the sustainable use of biological natural resources and their ecosystems. Utilization of environmental conditions in the nature conservation area is carried out while maintaining the preservation of the function of the area. Utilization of wild plant and animal species is carried out by taking into account the continuity of the potential, carrying capacity, and diversity of wild plant and animal species. In certain circumstances and it is necessary to maintain or restore the preservation of biological natural resources and their ecosystems, the Government may stop the utilization activities and close national parks, grand forest parks, and natural tourism parks in part or in full for a certain period of time. The people's participation in the conservation of the living natural resources and their ecosystems is directed and driven by the Government through various activities that are effective and effective, including through education and counseling. In the context of implementing the living natural resources and its ecosystem, the Government may hand over part of the affairs in the field to the Regional Government.enLiving Natural ResourcesEcosystemsConservationKONSERVASI SUMBER DAYA ALAM HAYATI DAN EKOSISTEM KEBIJAKAN PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPArticle