SumarlinEfendi,RaswenRahmayuni2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28Arnalis Jur. 2012Durian seeds starch (Durio zibethinus Murr.,) can extracted from durian seeds and it has a high starch content. Durian seeds starch potential as an alternative supplier of food ingredients or raw materials in food industry. Durian seeds starch has the disadvantage of less stable, so it need to be modified such as by Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). Purpose of this research was to obtain the characteristics of starch-modified durian seeds with HMT. The analysis conducted is amylose content, water content, solubility and strength development of starch and design responses are descriptive test against odor, color and taste of durian seed starch. The results showed that treatment of HMT give effect to the characterization of durian seed starch, with amylose content (13.69-27.22%), moisture content (8.90-9.45%), ash content (0.41-0.74), strength development of starch (2.71-6.03 g/g), and solubility (8.33-8.94%). The results of descriptive assessment of the odor, color and taste of starch that produce odor, color and taste normal at HMT temperature of 100, 110, and 120oC.otherdurian seedsHeat Moisture TreatmentHMT Durian Seed StarchsKarakterisasi Pati Biji Durian (Durio zibethinus murr.,) Dengan Heat Moisturestudent Paper Post Degree