Erna, MariaEmriadiAlif, AdminArief, Syukri2014-03-102014-03-102014-03-10978-979-792-217-4wahyu sari yeni chitosan (CMC) was synthesized using method by Pang (2007) and characterized by Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Based spectrum shape FT-IR that CMC was synthesized had spectrum shape same with reference. The inhibiting influence of CMC on the corrosion of mild steel in peat water was studied using weight loss methods. It was found that corrosion inhibition efficiency was dependent on water pH, inhibition technique and interaction time. It was found that corrosion inhibition efficiency was dependent on water pH, inhibition technique and interaction time. Results obtained revealed that KMK inhibition efficiency at optimum, i.e., 93,66%. The inhibition was assumed to occur via physicsorption of the CMC molecules on the metal surface with value Goads 17,055 kJ mol-1. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm was tested for their fit to the experimental data. The apparent activation energies for the corrosion reaction was determined using Arrhenius plots for the steel corrosion rate.enchitinchitosancarboxymethyl chitosanEFEKTIFITAS KARBOKSIMETIL KITOSAN SEBAGAI INHIBITOR KOROSI BAJA LUNAK DALAM AIR GAMBUTUR-Scientific Work Lecturer