Sari, NoviantiKarim, DarwinElita, Veny2016-01-132016-01-132016-01-132461-1069wahyu sari yeni of the health problems in stroke patients that suffered motor deficits such as paralysis and weaknesses arising as a result of loss of voluntary control of the motor movement.This research was to determine the effectiveness of swedish massage with lavender oil to improve muscle strength of post stroke patients. The design of this research was “Quasy experimental design” with “Pre testpost test with control group”. The research was conducted in the working area of Harapan Raya public health center . The total sample were 30 respondents who fit the inclusion criteria and were chosen by purposive sampling technique. Collecting data to provide observation sheet limb muscle strength measurements were carried out for 14 consecutive days. Measuring instrument that used in both groups was muscle strength scale of Medical Research Council Scale. The analysis used were univariate and bivariate analysis by using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test. The result showed that there was a significant increased of limb muscle strength in experimental group with p value (0,000) < α (0,05). Whereas in the control group was not found significant changes because it is not given treatment. It can be concluded that the swedish massage with lavender oil was effective to improve limb muscle strength for post stroke patients. Based on this research the therapy swedish massage with lavender oil can be used as a non pharmacological therapy to improve limb muscle strength in post stroke patientsenMuscle strengthpost strokeswedish massageThe Effectiveness Of Swedish Massage With Lavender Oil To Improve Muscle Strength Of Post-Stroke Patients.UR-Proceedings