Sari, Desy FransiskaH WahyuA. Pedia2014-11-022014-11-022014-11-02rio andika resort design in North Rupat, it use contextual architecture theme. Resort is place that used by both domestic and foreign tourist for taking a rest. Contextual architecture is a design which the context is design building with providing enough visualization between old building and new building for making cohesive effect. North Rupat has one of the beautiful beach natural resources and mangrove tour. Therefore, in this resort design the place selected is North Rupat located in Bengkalis Regency Riau Province, with the purpose to develop tourism in Riau Province. Problem contained in the site is contextual resort design, resort design which show existing view, circulation management, resort mass arrangement. The objectives are to give view on every resort mass, design contextual mass, design site and circulation which directing tourists. The method that used in this design is analysis method consist of environment analysis, functional analysis and contextual analysis. Thus, contextual resort design is design which notice around environment aspect and values that can develop design. Along create cohesive effect between old building and designed building.otherContextualNorth RupatResortRESOR DI RUPAT UTARAstudent Paper Post Degree