Lisa, Herlina Mona2014-05-202014-05-202014-05-20MUCHTAR RAHMAT home can also be interpreted with conditions that are not harmonious family and family should not walk harmonious, peaceful and prosperous due to frequent commotion and strife that led to the quarrel ended in divorce. And such conditions, resulting in a very large impact or fatal, especially for children. The problem under study is as follows: What are the shape of a broken home in the lives of people in the City Bangkinang?, What are the factors that lead to the occurrence of a broken home in the community life in the City Bangkinang?, How a broken home family function in maintaining survival of their families? The method used in this study is observational research in a way that survey research conducted in the field to obtain a satisfactory and accurate data that is needed.The results of the study form a broken home are as follows: a). Divorce usually live in family originated from the existence of a conflict between family members, if the conflict until a critical point then perceraianlah best way to solve it. b). Death is divorced husband and wife who are separated due to the death of one of the couple husband and wife. The next factor is the occurrence of a broken home as follows: a). committed by one spouse either husband or wife. b). Economic factors. c). Education of each spouse causes of divorce in the household in the city Bangkinag. And family functions are as follows: a). Providing a sense of security in children, b). Meet the needs of children, and c). Provide guidance and formation of the child's behavior.otherchild’sBroken homeFamilyPROFIL KELUARGA BROKEN HOME DI KOTA BANGKINANGstudent Paper Post Degree