Ardiyani, Dara Thia2013-07-202013-07-202013-07-20 penegakan hukum tindak pidana penyalahgunaan narkotika yang dilakukan oleh anggota kepolisian di Resort Indragiri Hilir dilakukan secara terpisah dan melalui 2 (dua) mekanisme pertama dimana proses pidana dilakukan di peradilan umum dan kedua apabila putusan hukum pidana melalui peradilan umum telah berkekuatan tetap selanjutnya adalah proses sidang Kode Etik Kepolisian, namun hal ini belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya karena terdapat beberapa hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya.Policing is essentially a function of government and institutions engaged in the maintenance of security and public order. As a police agency or organization has the duty and the authority to maintain security and public order, enforce the law and provide protection, guidance and service to the community. It is unfortunate that in fact in Indragiri Hilir regency, some police members involved in criminal cases is drug abuse. Background as described above, the authors are interested in doing research entitled Implementation of Law Enforcement Crime Narcotics Abuse committed by police members at the Resort Indragiri Hilir.enImplementationDrug AbuseLaw EnforcementPELAKSANAAN PENEGAKAN HUKUM TINDAK PIDANA PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOTIKA YANG DILAKUKAN OLEH ANGGOTA KEPOLISIAN DI RESORT INDRAGIRI HILIRstudent Paper Post Degree