Br Tinjak, Novaria2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28Arbi Sahuri Polyester Staple Fiber is material that is produced from synthetic chemical compound with various uses in industry phrase. There are states that export basic material of Polyester Staple Fiber to Indonesia like China, Thailand, South Korea, and India. Among those states, there is dumping practice that is done by the exporters. Dumping is one of forbidden activity in international trade, where the meaning of dumping is the selling of a product or production material by a state to another state with the low price, but it gives high price to their inland market. Dumping that is done by China by increasing demand of Polyester Staple Fiber from China, and the cheap basic material that is sold by China to the producer that needs basic material of Polyester Staple Fiber. That thing makes inland producers get angry, so that they report that activity to Committee of Indonesia non-Dumping to be observed more advanced. The investigation that is done by Committee of Indonesia non-Dumping is advanced observation from request that is done by Indonesia Fiber Synthetic Producer Association (APSYFI) that represents two producers of National Polyester Staple Fiber are PT Teijin Indonesia Fiber Corporation (PT Tifico) and PT Indonesia Toray Synthetic (PT ITS). The government levies import duty of non-dumping (BMAD) to the import of “polyester staple fiber” from China, India, and Taiwan through Finance Minister Rule Nr. 196/PMK.011/2010. Making Indonesia’s Government issue the policy of import duty of non-dumping for all states that do dumping practice in Indonesia. This policy has goal to save inland producer who goes down because the dumping practice that is done by China.otherNon-DumpingChina’s PSFKADIKEBIJAKAN INDONESIA MENERAPKAN BEA MASUK ANTI DUMPING (BMAD) TERHADAP IMPOR POLYESTER STAPLER FIBER (PSF) CINA TAHUN 2010student Paper Post Degree