Khairat, FadilSofiyanti, Nery2019-01-142019-01-142019-01-14wahyu sari yeni Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve (BRBB WR) is conservation area which been has disturbed by human activities such as, illegal logging, forest convertion into cultivation area and uncontrolled burning/wildfires. Therefore, the floras in this area, including Nepenthes habitat and their existance will be disturbed. The aim of this research was to characterize morphologically N. ampullaria in BRBB WR. All of the samples were collected from the field using exploration method and prepared for herbarium. The morphological characteres that were observed including stem, leaf, tendril and the pitcher. The morphological characterization on Nepenthes ampullaria resulted two variations: Na1 and Na2.enBukit Rimbang Bukit BalingMorphological CharacterizationNepenthes ampullariaRiauWildlife ReserveKARAKTERISASI MORFOLOGI Nepenthes ampullaria DI SUAKA MARGASATWA BUKIT RIMBANG BUKIT BALING, PROVINSI RIAUArticle